Magoosh Online Test Prep
Magoosh is one of the best online GRE preparation tools available. Equally good is CrunchPrep GRE - Online GRE Prep with Practice Questions and Tests, another source for online GRE preparation.
- Realistic score predictor.
- 200+ lessons for Math (Basics and covers few tips for fast calculation), Verbal and AWA with transcripts.
- 1000+ question collection with video explanation for each.
Personal opinion:
- No, they won't evaluate your writing.
- You can practice single questions by section.
- I didn't get the chance to practice many of these questions, but they have great video explanations for math and verbal questions.
- I wouldn't recommend purchasing it before watching the lessons because they are too many, and it isn't that affordable.
- There are many people preparing for this, so there are Facebook groups that are relatively more active than TOEFL groups, so you may want to post your questions, and they will help you a lot. Of course, you will need practice questions, so you should first buy GRE practice books. - Regarding vocabulary word definitions, the mnemonic dictionary is more useful than the Magoosh flashcards app.
All links were removed since there is no point in sharing them like this... so leave a comment and I may add them back.
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