How To Answer Toefl Speaking Question 1

The first speaking question can be either discouraging or confidence-boosting. Many would tell you, with an uninterested and naive tone, that questions 1 and 2 should be the easiest; however, if you were not fully immersed in English for a considerate time, these might be the hardest.

These are some of my templates for responding to question 1. They won't be helpful for the ones living in an English-speaking country or for the genius ones.

I divided them into People(ppl), Thing, Experience (XP), Place, Business (biz)/Job

1. How to describe People(ppl)?

My <brother/friend/professor> is a <profession> is the most <reason adjective 1> and <reason adjective 2> person I know.
His <reason noun 1> and <reason noun 2> makes him <figure this out from the prompt>.
He's <reason adjective 1> and <reason adjective 2>.

First off, <support reason 1>
Let's say/to give you an idea, <possibly made up story>
Secondly/Besides, <support reason 2>
For example, <possibly made up story>

2. How to describe a Thing?

As a <some adjective> <kid/woman/...>, the most <figure this out from the prompt> would make me <reason verb 1> and <reason verb 2>.
Being a <some adjective>, I feel like an iconic/constructive <figure this out from the prompt>, would be <reason adjective 1>, and most importantly <reason adjective 2>.

First off, <support reason 1>
Let's say/to give you an idea, <possibly made up story>
Secondly/Besides, <support reason 2>
For example, <possibly made up story>

3. How to describe an Experience (XP)?

When I was <a child/in college/...>, I would <come up with a story related to the prompt>, and <reason noun 1> and <reason noun 2> would describe this.
When I was <a child/in college/...>, I was <come up with a story related to the prompt>, and I would <reason verb 1> and <reason verb 2>.

First off, <support reason 1>
Let's say/to give you an idea, <possibly made up story>
Secondly/Besides, <support reason 2>
For example, <possibly made up story>

4. How to describe a Place?

When I think of <come up with a story related to the prompt>, <reason noun/verb 1> and <reason noun/verb 2> come to mind.

First off, <support reason 1>
Let's say/to give you an idea, <possibly made up story>
Secondly/Besides, <support reason 2>
For example, <possibly made up story>

5. How to describe a Business (biz)/Job?

When it comes to <figure this out from the prompt>, <reason noun 1> and <reason noun 2> come to mind.
When it comes to <come up with a story related to the prompt>, I love <reason verb 1> and <reason verb 2>.

First off, <support reason 1>
Let's say/to give you an idea, <possibly made up story>
Secondly/Besides, <support reason 2>
For example, <possibly made up story>

Regarding the conclusion

If you are already able to talk in a decent pace, you will notice that there's no time for a conclusion because you spent your time on the reasons, which is a good thing, so I'd prefer to simply say

  • So that's why.

Or if you have enough time.

  • So as you can see, <reason noun 1> and <reason noun 2> make for <noun that comes from the prompt>.

I hope these are as useful as they were for me.

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